The CEA group is an interdisciplinary research group of the
Faculty of Engineering
at the
University of Wismar.
We are active in the research areas
Computational Engineering, Automation and Sensor Systems.
For more information about our group, events, research seminars,
and publications visit official
CEA-Website at Wismar University.
Integration of Reinforcement Learning and Discrete Event Simulation Using MATLAB/Simulink and SimEvents (
Code Examples,
MATLAB File Exchange)
Non Standard Analysis Discrete Event System Specification M&S
Python-Based eSES/MB Infrastructure:
Automation of Simulation Experiments
SES Toolbox for Matlab / Simulink:
Ontology assisted modeling using the SES/MB approach
Robotic Control & Visualization Toolbox for Matlab (Videos)
Kuka Control toolbox for Matlab and Scilab
Distributed processing toolbox for Matlab
Distributed and parallel simulation toolbox for Matlab
HLA toolbox for use with Matlab
Provides HLA functionality within Fortran90
GPSS toolbox for Matlab
hyPDEVS Toolbox for MATLAB:
(former MatlabDEVS Tbx) - an advanced DEVS implementation for hybrid system modeling and simulation
Embedded and Simulink coder support package for Mbed OS 5
Members & Contact:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Pawletta,
Prof. Dr. em. Peter Dünow,
Prof. Dr. Sven Pawletta,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Olaf Simanski,
Prof. Dr. (PhD) Olaf Hagendorf,
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christina Deatcu
Jörg Zucknik,
M.Eng. Steffen Lack,
M.Eng. Jan Bartelt.
PhD Students:
M.Eng. Hendrik Folkerts (ext.), M.Eng. David Jammer,
Carolin Grodt,
Lukas Burmeister,
Gerrit Hinrichs,
David Altmann.
Please, follow one of the members' links for particular contact information.
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