hyPDEVS Toolbox for MATLAB®

(MatlabDEVS Tbx)

C. Deatcu, B. Freymann, T. Pawletta, T. Schwatinski

Vers.2.0, September 2016


The hyPDEVS Toolbox for MATLAB (former MatlabDEVS Tbx) has been developed by the research group Computational Engineering and Automation at Hochschule Wismar - University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, Germany.

It provides an advanced DEVS implementation for hybrid system modeling and simulation within the Scientific and Technical Computation Environment Matlab®. The theoretical background of the toolbox is based on the general DEVS and PDEVS approaches by Zeigler et al 2000. and DEVS-based hybrid system extensions introduced in Pawletta et al 2002.

Additionally, the toolbox supports hardware in the loop simulations, such as discussed in (Deatcu, Freymann, and Pawletta 2017).

The current name of the toolbox hyPDEVS was created by Bernhard Heinzl, who used the Toolbox while working on his dissertation (Heinzl 2020).

The toolbox is available as OpenSource software on GitHub

Related Publications (by RG CEA)
Relevant publications on the hyPDEVS Toolbox for MATLAB® and further research in this field.

(cite THIS)
  [Deatcu, Freymann, and Pawletta 2017] Deatcu, C., Freymann, B., Pawletta, T. (2017). PDEVS-Based Hybrid System Simulation Toolbox for MATLAB. SpringSim-TMS/DEVS 2017, April 23-26, Virginia Beach, VA, USA, Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), pp 989-1000.

  C. Deatcu, T. Pawletta: A Qualitative Comparison of Two Hybrid DEVS Approaches. In: Simulation Notes Europe (SNE), Vol. 22(1), ARGESIM/ASIM Pub. TU Vienna, Austria, April 2012, Pages 15-24. (Print ISSN 2305-9974, Online ISSN 2306-0271, doi:10.11128/sne.22.tn.10107)

  C. Deatcu, T. Pawletta, T. Schwatinski: Hybride DEVS - Qualitativer Vergleich zweier konträrer Ansätze. In: Proc. of ASIM STS/GMSS Workshop 2011, Krefeld, Germany, February 24-15, 2011, 12 pages

  T. Schwatinski, T. Pawletta: A Solution to ARGESIM Benchmark C17 "SIR-type Epidemic" Using a Quantization-Based Approximation and a HPP-LGCA Approach in a DEVS Environment in Matlab. In: Simulation Notes Europe (SNE), Vol. 21(1), ARGESIM/ASIM Pub. TU Vienna, Austria, April 2011, Pages 57-60. (Print ISSN 2305-9974, Online ISSN 2306-0271, doi:10.11128/sne.21.bn17.10053)

  O. Hagendorf, T. Pawletta, C. Deatcu, R. Larek: An Approach for Combined Simulation Based Parameter and Structure Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms. In: Proc. of 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling & Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic, September 6-10, 2010, Volume 2, Full Papers (CD)

  T. Schwatinski, T. Pawletta: An Advanced Simulation Approach for Parallel DEVS with Ports. In: Proc. of Spring Simulation Multiconference 2010, Book 4 - Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation -- DEVS, Orlando/Florida, USA, April 11-15, 2010, 132-139

  C. Deatcu, T. Pawletta, O. Hagendorf, B. Lampe: Considering Workpieces as Integral Parts of a DEVS Model. In: Proc. of 21st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, September 23-25, 2009, Volume 1, 27-35

O. Hagendorf, T. Pawletta, C. Deatcu: Extended Dynamic Structure DEVS. In: Proc. of 21st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, September 23-25, 2009, Volume 1, 36-45

  C. Deatcu, T. Pawletta: Towards Dynamic Structure Hybrid DEVS for Scientific and Technical Computing Environments. In: Proc. of Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 2009 (Argesim Report No. 35), Ed. I. Troch and F. Breitenecker, Vienna, Austria, February 11-13, 2009, ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2009, 2716-2719

  T. Pawletta, C. Deatcu, O. Hagendorf, S. Pawletta, G. Colquhoun: DEVS-Based Modeling and Simulation in Scientific and Technical Computing Environments. In: Proc. of DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS'06) - Part of the 2006 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'06), D. Hamilton (Ed.), Huntsville/AL, USA, April 2-6, 2006, 151-158

  O. Hagendorf, T. Pawletta, S. Pawletta, G. Colquhoun: Comparison 16 Restaurant Business Dynamics - A MatlabDEVS based Approach. In: Simulation News Europe (SNE), Issue 44/45, December 2005, page 58 Publisher Eurosim/ARGESIM, Technical University Vienna

  T. Pawletta, S. Pawletta: A DEVS-based simulation approach for structure variable hybrid systems using high accuracy integration methods. In: Proc. of CSM2004 - Conference on Conceptual Modeling and Simulation, Part of the Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference (I3M), Genova, Italy, October 28-31 2004, Vol.1, 368-373

  C. Deatcu, T. Pawletta: An Object-oriented Solution to ARGESIM Comparison «C6 Emergency Department» with MATLAB-DEVS2. In: Simulation News Europe, 38/39(2003), page 56

  C. Deatcu: Development of an Object-Orientated DEVS-Simulators with MATLAB, Diploma Thesis, Wismar, January 2003

  [Pawletta et al 2002] Pawletta, T.; Lampe, B.; Pawletta, S.; Drewelow, W.: A DEVS-Based Approach for Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Variable Structure Systems. In: Modeling, Anlysis, and Design of Hybrid Systems. Engel S., Frehse G., Schnieder E. (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 279, Springer, 2002, 107-129

  Schildmann, P.; Pawletta, T.; Lampe, B.; Drewelow, W.: Eine Simulationsmethode für hybride Systeme mit Strukturdynamik und deren Umsetzung. In Proc. 2. Wismarer Automatisierungssymposium, Wismar, 1999


More References
  [Zeigler et al 2000] Zeigler, B., Kim, T., Praehofer, H.: Theory of Modeling and Simulation. Elsevier Science, 2000.

  [Heinzl 2020] Heinzl, B.: Methods for Hybrid Modeling and Simulation-Based Optimization in Energy-Aware Production Planning. Dissertation. FBS 37 (Series 'Fortschrittsberichte Simulation / Advances in Simulation'); ISBN ebook: 978-3-903347-37-3, DOI: 10.11128/fbs.37, ARGESIM Wien 2020; ISBN print: 978-3-903311-11-4, TUVerlag Wien (print on demand) 2020.


2021/01, C. Deatcu